Batten down the hatches! Board up the windows! Gather the kids and hunker down! By God people it's the perfect storm!
With tonight's season finales of Master Chef and the "crem de la crem" of reality cooking shows, Bravo's Top Chef...there's simply no time for a well thought out blog post! (That's 3 hours of culinary viewing pleasure!) No time for an ode ...a one sided counseling session ...nor a hard hitting, in depth product review. ;)
Tonight... sadly... this will have to do. Dinner was a simple Poached Salmon Salad Sandwich with Arugula on a fabulously crusty organic French baguette. (Recipe to come...)
ANYTHING involving crusty French bread is amazing :)
Amen, sister...Amen!
Can't wait for the recipe.
Looks very poached salmon...
Glad to have found your blog, this looks great
The things we sacrifice to watch our favorite cooking shows...
looks like a great recipe though!
oh that sandwich looks great!
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